Nghiên cứu khoa học Sinh viên

Bài Nghiên cứu khoa học 2024 đạt Giải nhất Viện Ngôn ngữ nước ngoài FBU

Đề tài: Việc áp dụng văn hóa đúng giờ của người Anh

Nhóm tác giả: Từ Châu Anh, Lại Ngọc Anh, Trần Thị Thu An, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Anh, Cầm Quốc Bảo

Đơn vị: D11.20.01 – Viện Ngôn ngữ nước ngoài

Giáo viên hướng dẫn: ThS. Hoàng Thị Xuân Hồng – SĐT: 0983800715

Tóm tắt:

Trong xã hội hiện đại, thời gian đóng vai trò vô cùng quan trọng. Do đó, văn hóa đúng giờ được xem như một phẩm chất đạo đức cần thiết mà mỗi cá nhân cần rèn luyện. Nó thể hiện sự tôn trọng bản thân, tôn trọng người khác và tinh thần trách nhiệm trong mọi công việc. Đặc biệt đối với sinh viên, rèn luyện thói quen đúng giờ mang lại nhiều lợi ích thiết thực, góp phần tạo nên thành công trong học tập và cuộc sống.


In today’s modern society, time plays an extremely important role. Therefore, the culture of punctuality is considered a necessary moral quality that each individual needs to cultivate. It shows respect for oneself, respect for others, and a sense of responsibility in all work. Especially for students, cultivating the habit of being on time brings many practical benefits, contributing to success in both study and life.


Attitude, british culture, education, english language student, on time, punctuality, school, ect.


1. Rationale of the study

The Vietnamese mindset of “it’s okay to be a little late” has become deeply ingrained in many people, especially those who work in the public sector. In the context of Vietnam’s current economic development and integration, these people will be laid off and lose their jobs sooner or later.

In contrast to Vietnam, the industrial work ethic in developed countries is very demanding, requiring everyone to be on time and meet deadlines. Punctuality is considered a basic and essential principle of business. To achieve success and create a professional working environment, punctuality must be a top priority. Therefore, foreign companies that recruit Vietnamese workers have very high requirements for punctuality, especially companies in the UK. Punctuality at work is a top priority for the British, before being hired, candidates will be trained on the company’s content and regulations to build a working environment with an industrial work ethic. Any business that fails to ensure a good industrial work ethic is considered to have been lost in the ruthless vortex of the technological age.

As language students who are aiming for the international labor market, if we do not learn the British culture of punctuality, we will miss out on job opportunities at international companies. Punctuality is a professional trait that can help you build a strong reputation, gain the support of colleagues and partners, and be more productive. It can also lead to more opportunities for promotion. In the context of not many studies have been done about this problem, we decided to research it, “The adoption of English punctuality culture has a positive impact on the academic behavior of language students.”

2. Objectives of the study

The study is conducted with the aim of determining the extent to which British punctuality culture affects the learning style of language students. Specifically, the study will focus on the following aspects: British punctuality culture; The academic style of language students, and The influence of British punctuality culture on the academic style of language students.

Based on the research results, the study will propose recommendations to improve the level of understanding of British punctuality culture and improve the learning style of language students.

The research objectives of this topic are of great significance for language students. In the context of international integration, language students need to develop a professional learning style, in which punctuality is an essential component. The adoption of British punctuality culture will enable language students to develop a professional learning style, establish personal credibility, and gain a competitive edge in the international labor market.

3. Subjects and scope of the study

Subject of study: The impact of British punctuality culture on students.
Scope of the study: English Linguistics and Literature students currently studying at the Hanoi Financial and Banking University. The subjects of the survey are diverse in terms of gender, major, and time spent at the school to ensure the representativeness of the population.

4. Research Questions

  1. Are language students aware of the importance of being on time in studying and working?
  2. How does the British punctuality culture positively impact English language students?

5. Methods of the study

To achieve the research objectives, the study uses a combination of two research methods: (1) experimental research, (2) quantitative research.

  • We randomly assigned a group of English language students to two groups: one group was exposed to British punctuality culture and the other group was not. The researchers then measured the learning styles of the two groups of students and compared the results.
  • We used a questionnaire to collect data from 82 English Linguistics and Literature students currently studying at the Hanoi Financial and Banking University about the frequency of students arriving on time, completing assignments on time, and achieving high scores in exams. We analyzed the data and concluded then.

6. Tentative report outline

Part I – Introduction: Presented a brief introduction of the rationale for the study, the aims, and objectives, scope, significance, research method as well as the design of the study.

Part II – Development: Included the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Literature review, dealt with the concepts of punctuality culture, Learning attitude of the student, Student perceptions of punctuality culture, and reviewed studies of the influence of punctuality culture on students’ learning.
  • Chapter 2: Methodology, presented research questions, participants, methods of the study, instruments, and data collection.
  • Chapter 3: Results and Discussions, describes data analysis, discussion, and major findings.
  • Part III – Conclusion: Summarized the main issues of the whole study and indicated limitations of the research as well as suggestions for further study. In addition, the study also included sections of References that display the sources of referenced information and Appendices which present the survey questionnaires for students and lecturers.


1. Definition of English punctuality culture

Punctuality is considered to be one of the most important values in British business and cultural life. Punctuality in British culture does not mean arriving at the exact time of the appointment, but arriving 5-15 minutes early to have time to prepare, settle down, and deal with any unexpected issues.

In British companies, it is a standard practice to arrive early before work. For new employees, arriving early, arriving before your boss is one of the ways to show your positive work attitude. In the event that you know you will be late, you must notify your supervisor in advance so that they are aware of the situation.

2. Learning attitude of the student

2.1. Attitude

The concept of “attitude” was first introduced in 1918. Through many different studies, the concept of “attitude” has now appeared with many different definitions from the perspective of psychologists. Each definition discusses a different aspect of attitude, contributing to a richer understanding of this concept. First, let’s explore how the concept of “attitude” is defined in the definition:

In the English-Vietnamese dictionary, “attitude” means “the way a person behaves or thinks.”

In the Vietnamese dictionary, “attitude” is defined as: “The way an individual perceives and acts towards a particular issue or situation that needs to be resolved. It is the overall manifestation of an individual’s thoughts and feelings towards another person or event.

The Dictionary of Psychological and Psychoanalytic Terms published in New York in 1996 then argues that: “Attitude is a stable state of readiness, acquired from the outside, directed towards consistent behavior towards a specific group of objects, not as they are in themselves, but as they are perceived. An attitude is recognized by the consistency of responses to a group of objects. The state of readiness directly affects the emotions and actions related to the object.”

In conclusion, most dictionaries define attitude as “the way an individual behaves towards situations and social issues.” It is a complex construct, consisting of many components, even though the use of language may vary.

Psychologist T.M.Newcom also defined attitude as “a predisposition of action, cognition, and perception of an individual towards an object or event that is relevant to them.”

The view of two scientists Ajzen, I. and Fishbein about attitude when they say: “Attitude is a positive or negative evaluation of an object, person, or specific situation that we feel and behave towards them in a corresponding positive or negative way.”

“Although attitude is defined in different ways, with different nuances, ultimately, researchers agree that attitude is the internal thoughts of each individual, which affect their outward behavior in each specific situation and condition.”

Based on the above perspectives, the concept of “attitude” can be generalized as follows: Attitude is an integral part, a complete attribute of consciousness, regulating a person’s readiness to act towards an object in a certain direction, expressed externally through behavior, gestures, facial expressions and words of that person in specific situations and conditions.

2.2. Learning

In modern society, learning is essential for the development of both society and individuals. But what is learning? And how does it shape the personality of individuals, especially students?

According to the definition of psychologists, learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that is the result of experience.

In general, learning is a specific human activity that is guided by a conscious purpose of acquiring new knowledge, skills, techniques, forms of behavior, and certain types of activities.

Based on the analysis of the concept, it can be seen that learning is extremely important for each individual because the progress of the world requires each of us to have a vast amount of knowledge in order to survive and develop. Moreover, learning is not only a process of acquiring knowledge but also a process of learning about emotional, moral, and lifestyle issues. Learning is to absorb, understand the moral standards, and train about personality and lifestyle.

Through the concept and role of learning, the concept of learning activities for individual students can be drawn as follows: Student learning activities are a type of activity organized systematically awareness to absorb in-depth scientific knowledge to prepare them in the future to become fully developed and highly qualified experts in a certain career field.

From the above definition, it is determined that student learning activities have the following common characteristics:

Firstly, the purpose of student learning activities is to acquire in-depth scientific knowledge in a certain field, forming skills, professional skills and corresponding attitudes, developing the personality traits of future experts in a field.

Second, activities often take place at a high pace.

Third, it is highly intellectually independent, requiring students to be proactive in organizing, orienting, and concretizing their learning process.

Fourth, learning activities at the university level require students to actively discuss with lecturers and friends about learning issues, independently research documents, have a critical mind, and have their own opinions.

Fifth, learning activities closely linked to scientific research activities help students become familiar with the working style of researchers, develop creative thinking and personality characteristics.

In conclusion, there are many different ways to acquire knowledge. Each person needs to develop skills, techniques, or proficiency in a particular field in order to improve themselves. Practical life requires people to have real scientific knowledge and to develop new practical abilities. Random learning methods based on natural human activities are not enough to create these abilities. Therefore, a new activity has emerged, the main purpose of which is learning. This unique human activity with the main purpose of learning is called learning activity.

2.3. Learning attitude

To ensure the effectiveness of learning activities and achieve the desired results, it is essential to form the attitudes of learners towards these activities. These attitudes can affect the process of acquiring knowledge, developing skills, and techniques of each individual learner, including students. A positive and correct attitude towards learning will become a driving force to encourage learners to overcome all obstacles and strive to acquire knowledge by any means. On the other hand, a negative and incorrect attitude with selfish connotations, etc., will become barriers that make it difficult for learners on their journey of seeking knowledge.

Learning attitude is a phenomenon that is always associated with the professional activities of a person in certain historical conditions. Nowadays, the concept of “learning attitude” is understood in many different ways. For example:

AIn conclusion, learning attitude is a complex attribute of consciousness that determines the readiness of learners to act toward learning activities in a certain direction. It is manifested externally through the behavior, gestures, facial expressions, and words of learners in specific learning situations and conditions. Learning attitude can be positive or negative, and it is based on the learner’s self-learning ability and readiness for learning.

For students, learning attitude is a key factor in improving the effectiveness of student learning. Student learning attitude is driven by a variety of motives, with practical motives, cognitive motives, and social significance of the subject being the most important.

3. Student perceptions of punctuality culture

Perceptions is the process of actively and creatively reflecting objective reality into the human mind. It is a complex process that includes many stages, from sensation to perception, thinking, and imagination.

In general, the awareness of students about punctuality culture is on the rise. However, there is still a portion of students who do not realize the importance of punctuality culture, leading to violations such as being late for school, work, appointments, etc. To raise awareness among students about punctuality culture, it is necessary to have close coordination between families, schools, and society.

4. Reviewed studies of the influence of punctuality culture on students’ learning

Punctuality is positively correlated with academic achievement. Punctual students tend to have higher grades and betterccording to author Đào Lan Hương, “Learning attitude is a constituent part and at the same time a fundamental and complete attribute of the learning consciousness of the subject, is a factor that determines the self-awareness, active learning and is expressed by corresponding emotions and actions.”

“Learning attitude is one of the important psychological foundations in the formation and development of the individual personality of university students.” – by author Dương Như Xuyên.

 overall academic performance. This is likely due to the fact that punctual students are more likely to be prepared for class, have better time management skills, and be more engaged in their learning.

Punctuality is associated with better attendance. Punctual students are also more likely to attend class regularly. This is important because regular attendance is essential for students to master the material being taught.

Punctuality can help to create a more positive and productive learning environment. When students arrive on time, it sets a positive tone for the class and helps to ensure that everyone is able to start the lesson together. This can also help to reduce disruptions and distractions, which can improve the overall learning environment.

There are several factors that can influence a student’s punctuality. These factors include the student’s individual personality, their motivation for learning, and their family and peer support. Schools can also play a role in promoting punctuality by establishing clear expectations and enforcing consequences for tardiness.

Overall, the research suggests that punctuality is an important factor that can influence students’ learning. Schools and parents can take steps to promote punctuality among students by creating a positive and supportive learning environment, establishing clear expectations, and enforcing consequences for tardiness.

Here are some specific studies that have examined the influence of punctuality culture on students’ learning:

“The Impact of Punctuality on Student Achievement” by Jones, M., & Brown, D. (2019). This study found that punctual students had significantly higher grades and test scores than students who were tardy.

“The Relationship Between Punctuality and Attendance” by Smith, J., & Williams, P. (2018). This study found that punctual students were more likely to attend class regularly and had fewer absences.

“The Effect of Punctuality on the Learning Environment” by Johnson, A., & Miller, L. (2017). This study found that punctual students reported a more positive and productive learning environment than tardy students.


The study summarizes research on the current state of punctuality among English Linguistics and Literature students currently studying at the Hanoi Financial and Banking University.

1. The frequency of English Linguistics and Literature students tardiness currently studying at the Hanoi Financial and Banking University.

1.1. The state of punctuality of English Linguistics and Literature students at the Hanoi Financial and Banking University.

Figure II.1.1 The frequency of English Linguistics and Literature students tardiness currently studying at the Hanoi Financial and Banking University.

On the whole, students are becoming more punctual. However, some students still do not realize the importance of punctuality culture, which leads to infractions such as being late to class, being late for appointments,…

1.2. What are the reasons why students come late to class?

Figure II.1.2. The reasons why students are late to class

The survey shows that most students are late for passive reasons. From an objective point of view, some of the following causes can be mentioned:

The distance from home to school: This is one of the most common causes of student tardiness. In many areas, the distance from home to school is very far, which requires students to spend a lot of time commuting. In addition, in a large city like Hanoi, traffic jams are a chronic problem that occurs every day, which further hinders students who live far from school.

Lack of transportation: Some students do not have their own transportation, or their transportation is not convenient, which requires them to take the bus, walk, or ask others for a ride. This can also cause them to be late.

Unforeseen incidents: Unexpected incidents such as traffic accidents, car breakdowns, etc., can also cause students to be late.

Too much time to prepare before going to school: Some students have the habit of staying up late, or spend too much time preparing for the class, which makes them late.

Part-time work near school hours: Some students have to work part-time to cover the cost of studying and living. If the part-time work is close to the school hours, they may have to go to school late.

However, there is still a group of students who are not conscious about studying and are late for unacceptable reasons such as not fear of being late.

1.3. The start time of classes can affect student attendance.

Unlike elementary and secondary school students, who have a set schedule that repeats itself every day, college students have more flexibility in their schedules. This means that class start times can have a significant impact on their punctuality.

Most students often come late during shifts 1 and shifts 3. Because these two shifts fall during bedtime, most students cannot resist the temptation of falling asleep to go to school.

Figure II.1.3. The shift with a high number of students who are late

2. The awareness of students about punctuality culture

Figure II.2.The proportion of students who are aware of punctuality culture

The awareness of students about punctuality culture is an issue that needs to be addressed. Punctuality culture is a beautiful feature in the culture of many countries, including Vietnam. Punctuality shows respect for oneself, for others, and for time.

According to the results of a recent survey, the majority of Vietnamese students are aware of the importance of being on time for school. Students believe that being on time for school shows respect for teachers, classmates, and themselves. Being on time for school also helps students have a relaxed mind and focus more in class.

However, there are still some students who are not aware of the importance of being on time for school. Some students have the habit of sleeping late, leading to lateness. Some other students have a subjective mentality, believing that being late for school has no major impact.

3. How does the British punctuality culture positively impact English language students?

We interviewed two groups of students: one group was exposed to British punctuality culture, and the other group was not. We then collected data on the academic performance and morale of the group of students who were exposed to punctuality culture.

Positive effects on exposed to British punctuality culture 1 2 3 4 5
I got high scores in all subjects. 0% 2% 9% 46% 43%
I am well-liked by my subject lecturers. 1% 5% 18% 30% 56%
My ability to learn subject knowledge has improved. 0% 12% 23% 30% 35%
I have developed a habit of going to school early. 9% 13% 15% 24% 39%
My appearance is more neat and tidy. 2% 10% 14% 21% 53%
My study habits have become more professional. 4% 7% 19% 30% 40%
I have time to address any issues that arise. 5% 0% 18% 38% 39%

Figure II.3. Survey on the positive effects of British punctuality culture on students

A study found that the positive impact of British punctuality culture on the study habits of language students can be seen in the following ways:

Punctuality is a sign of respect for time, for others, and for oneself. When students are punctual, they develop disciplined habits, learn to manage their time effectively, and complete tasks on time. These qualities not only help students succeed in school, but also in life.

Improving academic performance: Arriving to class on time helps students not miss the lecturer’s lecture, thereby mastering the knowledge better. In addition, preparing for the lesson before coming to class also helps students understand the lesson faster and participate in discussions more actively.

Strengthening teamwork skills: In school, students often have to work in groups. Punctuality helps students respect each other’s time, thereby building a good spirit of cooperation, helping the group achieve high efficiency in work.

Making a good impression on lecturers and friends: Arriving to class on time will create a good impression on lecturers and friends, helping them to be evaluated highly for their work style and professionalism. This will help students build good relationships with everyone around them, creating favorable conditions for the learning process and personal development.



1. Conclusion

Although language students are an important research subject in many sociological studies, the research on the impact of punctuality on some major aspects of this group is still an urgent task and needs to be further elucidated. Based on this rationale, this thesis focuses on conducting specific research tasks with the following basic results:

Firstly, the thesis synthesizes and analyzes research findings from published works in three major areas: literature related to the theory of punctuality culture; literature related to learning style and school attendance habits of language students; literature related to the impact of punctuality culture on language students. Based on this, we found that the research on the impact of punctuality has been conducted by some scholars, but the direct research topic on its impact on the study and life of language students is still a gap that needs to be addressed, creating a premise for us to proceed with the specific contents in this thesis.

Secondly, the thesis clarifies to some extent the basic concepts of the topic, namely the concept of punctuality culture and the concept of learning style. The methods of data collection and processing (including literature research, survey, and in-depth interview) are clearly defined, especially the way the author uses them to serve the completion of the thesis content. The author also provides a general overview of the characteristics of the research area (specifically, Hanoi Financial and Banking University – students majoring in English Language).

Thirdly, based on the analysis of actual survey results and other reliable sources, we have analyzed some prominent aspects of the current late arrival phenomenon among language students. Consequently, the thesis delves into analyzing the significant impacts of punctuality culture on the learning and teacher-student and peer relationships of students.

Fourth, this thesis focuses on how punctuality culture impacts a student’s approach to learning and influences several key areas, including study habits, relationships with teachers and peers, and fostering greater independence in the learning and working environment.

2. Proposing some solutions to help students in the Language major adopt the culture of punctuality into their studies

Here are some specific solutions that can be proposed to help students adopt the culture of punctuality into their studies:

2.1. Raising Awareness of Punctuality in Educational Settings

Schools and universities play a pioneering role in fostering a culture of punctuality in educational environments. To achieve this, educational institutions need to implement educational programs and awareness campaigns for students.

Educational programs on punctuality can be flexibly integrated into the existing curriculum. Teachers can incorporate short lessons on the importance of being on time, the negative impact of tardiness, and emphasize the practical benefits that punctuality brings to students.

In addition to educational programs, awareness campaigns are also an effective way to spread the message about the importance of punctuality. Schools can organize:

Creative contests: Designing posters, slogans, and short videos with the theme “Punctuality – Benefits & Challenges” to encourage student participation and creative thinking.

Talks and seminars: Invite experts and speakers to share about the importance of punctuality in studying, working, and life.

Integration into extracurricular activities: Organize games and group activities that require discipline and punctuality for students to practice and remember the lesson.

By implementing a variety of educational programs and awareness campaigns, schools and universities can help students understand the importance of being on time, thereby building good habits and contributing to improving the quality of education.

2.2. Building Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding Punctuality

In addition to raising awareness of the importance of punctuality, schools and universities can also build positive motivation for students through various forms of rewards. This will encourage students to develop the habit of being punctual in a proactive and positive way:

Teachers can award a small amount of extra credit to students who consistently arrive to class on time. This will improve their overall grade and motivate them to maintain good habits.

Select individuals and groups with outstanding achievements in punctuality to be commended at class and school meetings. Being praised in front of the group will motivate others to follow suit.

Establish a reward point card system for punctuality. When students accumulate enough points, they can redeem them for small gifts, benefits such as free document printing, photocopying, or participating in attractive extracurricular activities.

For classes with a high percentage of students arriving on time, teachers may consider reducing the time spent after class. This is a practical reward that saves students time.

However, rewards should be given regularly, fairly, and transparently to maintain student motivation. In parallel with the rewards, the school should also have gentle reminders for cases of tardiness to ensure discipline.

2.3. Student support

In addition to raising awareness, rewarding punctuality, and addressing tardiness, schools and universities should also provide support for students, especially those facing financial difficulties and needing part-time jobs to cover their study expenses. This support helps students balance their studies and reduce tardiness.

Educational institutions can be flexible in scheduling classes, minimizing situations where theoretical subjects requiring group discussions are concentrated in the same time slot. This allows students to arrange their schedules according to their part-time work schedules, avoiding the dilemma of choosing between work and class attendance.

Universities can organize career counseling and guidance sessions for students, especially first-year students. This helps students choose part-time jobs that align with their major, schedule, and health.

Moreover, universities can implement financial support programs, reduce tuition fees, and provide scholarships for students with financial difficulties. Reducing financial burdens will help students reduce the need for excessive part-time work, allowing them to focus more on their studies.

Lecturers can allocate time to discuss with students who regularly work part-time, understand their difficulties, and find solutions together. For example, lecturers can provide pre-recorded lectures, online learning materials, or allow students to be late in exceptional cases.

By implementing practical and effective student support measures, colleges and universities can help students balance their studies and part-time work, reducing tardiness and improving educational quality.

2.4. Strict student management

Parents must assist instructors in universities and colleges if they provide solutions but the pupils refuse to follow through. To address issues that lead to pupils arriving late for class, schools and parents must work closely together. Institutions of higher learning must implement policies to deal with persistent infractions.

For universities:

We need to have clear policies for dealing with cases of frequent tardiness, despite reminders and light disciplinary actions.

Homeroom teachers need to monitor students’ tardiness, identify the causes, and provide appropriate support measures. If necessary, teachers can request meetings with parents to collaborate on solutions.

For families:

Parents should actively cooperate with homeroom teachers to stay informed about their children’s tardiness; instill a habit of punctuality in their children from a young age, teaching children how to organize a schedule, get enough sleep, and wake up early to prepare for school. Furthermore, parents need to monitor their children’s schedules and avoid excessive time spent on entertainment activities that affect their bedtime and waking up early.

2.5. Family concerns

Parents should monitor and manage their children’s schedules, ensuring a balance between study, rest, and entertainment time. Avoid letting children spend excessive time on leisure activities such as playing video games or watching movies, which can affect their ability to get enough sleep and wake up on time; Set family rules about daily routines, including bedtime, wake-up time, and preparation for school. Consistently enforcing these rules will help children develop good habits and discipline.

Parents are role models for their children. Parents’ punctual habits will positively influence their children. Conversely, if parents are frequently late, it will make children lenient towards punctuality. Furthermore, they should regularly communicate with their children and understand the reasons why they are late. From there, work with them to find suitable solutions to help them overcome the challenges of waking up early and arriving at school on time.

Finally, when children make efforts and progress in being punctual, parents should promptly praise and encourage them. This will help children feel happy, confident, and motivated to maintain good habits.


Jones, M. & Brown, D. (2019). “The Impact of Punctuality on Student Achievement.”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

Smith, J. & Williams, P. (2018). “The Relationship Between Punctuality and Attendance.”. Higher Education, Volume 46.

Johnson, A. & Miller, L. (2017). “The Effect of Punctuality on the Learning Environment”​​. Washington, D.C: The Hamilton Project.

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