Nghiên cứu khoa học Sinh viên

Bài Nghiên cứu khoa học đạt giải Phong cách của sinh viên Nguyễn Đức Duy, Nguyễn Thị Bích Phượng, Đỗ Minh Tuấn – Lớp D11.20.01

Cultural table manners of the two countries: England and America


Members : Nguyễn Đức Duy
Nguyễn Thị Bích Phượng
Đỗ Minh Tuấn
Class : D11.20.01
Mentor : Ths Hoàng Thị Xuân Hồng



Tóm tắt:

Cách cư xử trên bàn ăn theo văn hóa của Anh và Mỹ mang đến cái nhìn sâu sắc hấp dẫn về những phong tục và nghi thức riêng biệt nhưng có mối liên hệ với nhau, hình thành nên trải nghiệm ăn uống ở hai quốc gia này. Mặc dù có chung ngôn ngữ và mối quan hệ lịch sử, nhưng có những khác biệt đáng chú ý trong nghi thức ăn uống giữa hai nước, phản ánh những giá trị và truyền thống văn hóa độc đáo. Ở Anh, cách cư xử trên bàn ăn truyền thống nhấn mạnh đến các hình thức như sử dụng đồ dùng theo cách cụ thể, giữ tư thế thích hợp và quan sát thứ bậc xã hội trong bữa ăn. Ngược lại, nghi thức ăn uống của người Mỹ có xu hướng thân mật hơn, tập trung vào cuộc trò chuyện bình thường và bầu không khí ăn uống thoải mái. Bất chấp những khác biệt này, cả hai nền văn hóa đều có chung những giá trị chung về lịch sự, tôn trọng đồ ăn và quan tâm đến những người cùng ăn. Việc hiểu và đánh giá cao những sắc thái văn hóa này sẽ làm phong phú thêm sự tương tác giữa các nền văn hóa và thúc đẩy sự đánh giá sâu sắc hơn về sự đa dạng của phong tục ăn uống trên khắp thế giới.

The cultural table manners of England and America offer a fascinating insight into the distinct yet interconnected customs and etiquettes that shape dining experiences in these two nations. Despite sharing a common language and historical ties, there are notable differences in dining etiquette between the two countries, reflecting unique cultural values and traditions. In England, traditional table manners emphasize formalities such as using utensils in a specific manner, maintaining proper posture, and observing social hierarchies during meals. Conversely, American dining etiquette tends to be more informal, with an emphasis on casual conversation and relaxed dining atmospheres. Despite these differences, both cultures share common values of politeness, respect for food, and consideration for fellow diners. Understanding and appreciating these cultural nuances enriches cross-cultural interactions and fosters a deeper appreciation for the diversity of dining customs around the world.

Key words:

Cultural, table manners, England, America, dining etiquette, customs, traditions, differences, similarities, cross-cultural interactions.


The world in general and countries in particular all have a common goal, which is peace and happiness. As we all work together to solve common global problems, as well as the desire for a peaceful and happy world, the role of intercultural communication becomes even more important. Intercultural communication has become an object of research interest in many scientific fields such as anthropology, philosophy, psychology, literature, etc. Results from research on intercultural communication also somewhat help people in different cultures cooperate with each other and build a better world. These studies have practical significance in bringing cultures closer together and limiting conflicts and cultural shocks from different cultures. To clarify the role and meaning of research on intercultural communication, our team has selected and proposed a small research topic with the content “knowledge about the dining table culture of the two countries: England and America” to the students.

Theoretical basis.

Each country and nation has its own cultural behaviors imbued with the nature of each place, creating characteristics in life and people there. That is also the reason why, when learning a language, in certain foreign languages, we need to learn about the customs and traditions of those countries so as not to be overwhelmed or have culture shock when communicating with people. In Vietnam, the most popular foreign language is English, which most people study for many different purposes. To learn this language, people must learn about the cultures of the two countries, England and America, because these are two countries that use English as their mother tongue. Among them, the rules of conduct at the dinner table are the most basic rules of conduct for cultural integration and exchange. Any Asian country has its own rules of table manners, from behavior to eating style, which is always the highlight of every meal for Easterners. However, the West has its own color in terms of rules of conduct at the dinner table. Therefore, you must learn about the culture of British and American table manners to be able to communicate and avoid falling into awkward situations when communicating. ​

England and America have many similar rules of behavior at the dinner table, such as seating, sitting posture, eating style, and appropriate ways of talking. However, each country also has its own unique characteristics. For example, the British aristocratic dining style has long been extremely famous around the world. This style is created from a system of rules from basic to advanced over many periods of time. At first, it sounds complicated, but it is quite easy to do if you memorize the rules because they are applied almost everywhere. In England, there is a famous idiom: “Manners maketh man”—manners make a person. This saying also applies at the dining table when what creates the typical British aristocratic dining style is polite behavior, especially during meals out or formal parties. America is famous for its diverse, modern, and liberal culture, but there are also certain rules of conduct that not everyone knows. They include the basic rules of passing The Food,From Mouth to Plate,Cutlery Position, and The Napkin Tale. The table manners of British and American people are generally not much different from those of other Western countries. With basic principles, learning the language through American and British culture is also very interesting and easy to learn in the most effective way for foreign language students. ​

Table manners of England and America.

In this section, we will give you some knowledge about table manners in the UK and America. These things will be very helpful for everyone to learn about Western culture, improve communication, and speak English, especially students studying languages.

First, we will learn about the culture of British table manners: They are known as the aristocratic style. The British’s aristocratic dining style is reflected in their culture of responding to invitations. The phrase R.S.V.P. means “please respond.” If you are invited to a dinner by someone, you should have a response letting them know whether you will attend or not. Remember to respond before party time. In the event of an unexpected reason, remember to notify them as soon as possible. Politeness is the element that creates the aristocratic British dining style. They always follow the rules of politeness in their culture.

When sitting at the table, use a knife and fork while eating. The fork is placed on the left and middle fingers. The knife is placed in the right hand and used similarly. And when they start eating, they often put their fork on the plate and then use a knife to cut the food. Some things you must remember are not to floss, burp, chew, chew gum, or smoke at the dinner table. because the act of flossing, sucking on a toothpick, or burping after eating is considered extremely uncivilized. If you want to clean food from your teeth, ask permission to go to the bathroom, chew candy, or smoke after eating, they all consider it extremely impolite. Besides, when eating, you should not open your mouth too wide, do not speak when there is food in your mouth, and absolutely do not put more food in your mouth before finishing the previous bite. When drinking water, you must take small sips. Do not make noise when eating, such as slurping, chewing, waving chopsticks, etc.Absolutely, do not stick spoons or forks into shared bowls or plates. Everything is scooped onto separate plates to eat, dip, etc. and should not be shared. When going to a party, bring a small gift when invited to the restaurant. That is the minimum courtesy when being invited to someone else’s house for a meal. Don’t leave leftover food; leaving leftover food means you’re a wasteful eater and dissatisfied with the homeowner’s cooking skills. Even if you don’t like the food, try to finish it and don’t leave it on your plate. Throwing away leftover food is taboo.

At first glance, an English dining table looks very complicated because you have to arrange a lot of forks, spoons, and knives, and they are all served for many different dishes. However, behind that aristocratic style is an extremely simple arrangement rule that you just need to memorize.

Next, we will talk about American table manners. In America, eating manners and style are very important. This is also something that many Vietnamese people, in particular, or Asian people in general, easily make mistakes about. When Americans sit at the dinner table, they sit straight. Politely put your hands on the table; absolutely do not rest your elbows on the table. (Avoid leaning on the table or leaning on it.) They use spoons to put food in their mouths. In particular, do not bring dishes to your mouth.

The first thing is to get food. When invited to sit down to eat, take care to get your food first and only order what you need. Say “thank you” when receiving food. In American culture, the way knives and forks are placed on the dining table shows the waiter’s intentions. When using a fork and spoon when eating, you need to follow the principles: when eating, use your left hand to hold the fork and pin the food, and your right hand to hold the knife and cut the food. They often use pre-ordered towels.

When sitting on your lap, you must wipe your mouth and not be dirty. When eating and drinking, do not make any noise. They don’t let dishes bump into them or chew on them. even when using Asian dishes. Americans are taught from childhood to close their mouths when eating to avoid letting others see the food in their mouths. With their open and relaxed nature, Americans often do not pay too much attention to rituals and rules. However, time is an issue that Americans especially value. So, if a native invites you to a party, remember to pay attention to the time and avoid arriving late or having a late dinner. Especially on the first date, if you are late, it will definitely leave a bad impression in their eyes.

When drinking alcohol, you should also take small sips; absolutely, do not drink large gulps or drink one sip because this will be very impolite. When drinking, pay attention to avoid mixing the glasses of the person next to you. Your wine glass and water glass will be placed on the right-hand side. In addition, when raising a glass, the host must raise the glass first. In addition, when dining in America, seating positions are arranged as follows: male-female; the female will sit to the right of the male. Americans are very free and equal, so if you go out to eat with friends, it’s normal to split the bill. This is something everyone needs to keep in mind. Even if you are invited, proactively ask to split the bill; this will give a good impression of you. When inviting guests to dinner, if it is for work purposes, Americans often book parties at restaurants and clubs; all costs are the responsibility of the company. Close friends are invited to dine with the family. When inviting guests to dinner at home, they usually organize it based on their economic ability. It’s not too picky, so you don’t need to worry.

Thus, the behavioral cultures of England and America generally have similarities and differences because they always maintain the politeness and cultural features of their respective countries. When you clearly understand these rules, you will have certain knowledge and be able to behave in all situations when communicating with foreigners. This creates a very good premise for you to learn English because people often say that when you want to learn the language of a certain country, you must understand the culture of that country.


Studying table manners in the UK and US can provide us with important information and lessons about how people interact and communicate in culinary contexts, their reality, and their culture. This can help us better understand the cultural values and social norms of Western countries in general, provide a basis for understanding and respecting cultural diversity, and help us communicate more effectively. British and American table manners often reflect respect for and concern for food and partners. Important lessons may include maintaining a respectful attitude, avoiding chatter during conversations, and freely sharing dining time and space to create a friendly and welcoming environment. British table manners are often traditional; respect the rules and avoid disturbing others. They often eat slowly and talk softly while eating. American table manners are often more relaxed and liberal. The dining table is often a place to exchange and share, and flexible conversations are highly appreciated. Unlike using chopsticks in Asian countries like Vietnam, it is less common, and many dishes can be eaten with hands. In general, British table manners often reflect tradition and respect for rules, while Americans tend to be more relaxed, focusing on communication and sharing. These differences are reflected in how people eat, when they eat, and how they interact socially while eating. Therefore, when students understand these rules thoroughly, they will have a certain amount of knowledge to help their learning and communication become better and better.


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